Quote of the Day, Love: Oscar Wilde

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Go ahead and search it up

Monday, March 14, 2011


n an earlier posting, I made myself over using Instyle.com's Hollywood makeover tool. My transformations were made according to what the woman below (aka the Millionaire Matchmaker) says women should look like. 1.Straight hair 2  long hair 3.black eye liner  4. bangs if over 30  5. get a tan 6.If you have red hair, dye it. If you do not follow these rules, you are unmatchable.
Here is how Miss S. would makeover Bottecelli's The Birth of Venus. Even with emo eyeliner, still beautiful. I couldn't find any lipsticks that looked bad on her though. I also changed her eye color to violet.

the original

I thought I should give her a makeover using my rules:
So here she is: a pretty lady if a bit overdone and boobs out a bit much for day (or ever, especially at age 50)

Miss S. As she looks normally, note the boobs right out front
If other people can make recommendations for makeovers, why shouldn't I? Therefore....

Softer makeup, red hair, no bangs, and waves, she looks even better I think and notice that her boobs aren't  everywhere.

I think she looks prettier here. I got rid of the tattooed on lipliner for one thing.


Anonymous said...

I think she looks good as a redhead!

Anonymous said...

Venus as a trashy blond how did you do the makeover?

Anonymous said...

She does look better. Maybe you should go bald, does she like that?

Anonymous said...

she looks much softer and more approachable. d

Anonymous said...

Katie, I dig your warped sense of humor. Don't go blonde but do feel free to show some cleavage. :)