Quote of the Day, Love: Oscar Wilde

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Go ahead and search it up

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Anonymous said...

I think it is ok to feel good about someone who is legitimately a bad person finally getting some come-upance. The problem, it seems to me, is if you hold on to that feeling for very long. I hope that this is a hypothetical question, by the way and that you haven't had to deal with some bad apple (or apples)

Anonymous said...

Celebrate, write it in the sky that the witch is dead disciplined, rejected etc. It is ok to feel a bit self- righteous becaue in the case you described, the person quesitoning hether it is ok was right to begin with. Enjoy now, maybe make a voodoo doll if necessary for later!

Anonymous said...

Like anon 1 writes, don't worry about it. That said, it is ok to enjoy the fact that justice was done. HOwever, if you are just happy because the bad person is suffering, tha tis very close to the beginning of the growth of a shoulder chip. A fine line between clever and stupid. )

Anonymous said...

Anon 3 has a pt. Are you asking if a person can be happy if someone who tormented them is finally punished. The big thing though, i that the good person can go on and live a great life, wherease the horrid person has to live with him or herself and his/her actions 24 hours a day. Thanks for the intersting questions Katie!
What about the romance dept? What's going on there?

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 4. So how's this newish guy working out for you? He sounded pretty nice and cool to me. I hope things are going well. Tick tock girlfriend, if he likes it he hsould htink about puttin ga ring on it!

Katie said...

Note to anonymouses (anonymi?)
1. Thanks for the great responses; very thoughtful.
As for your other comments, things are going well, I don't want to say more than that. However, I'll leave you with a quote from author Graham Greene about writing,
"Writing misery is easy. Everyone is bleakly individual when they are unhappy. Happiness is much harder to write as we are all the same in our happinesses."
I don't know if he's right, but I am pretty happy.

Anonymous said...

It may depend on the situation. However, I don't think it's wrong to feel a bit of satisfaction when someone who is really awful finally gets some bad mojo coming their way. It would be wrong though to be the bringer of the bad to them. I think you're probably good.