Quote of the Day, Love: Oscar Wilde

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Go ahead and search it up

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Bootycaller

The Subtle Booty caller: Perhaps in real life, the bootycaller’s message would seem funny or outrageous. When it is there in black and white though, the mere site of it makes me want to run and take a long shower to scrub off the icky factor. He will often describe himself as in an open relationship or as separated. These words are code for cheating on his wife or girlfriend. He wears a wool cap year round and smells like cigarettes and Redbull.
A typical pick up line:
"U r cute, I don't like chatting without meeting a person. My wife and I are just friends, but she wants to meet you too. It’s totally cool. Do you have any other photos that show more skin? What are you doing in three hours? And is it true what they say about redheads wink wink."                                                                                    


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Sounds like an ex who would drink and text at 2AM.

Anonymous said...

classy all the way.