"Oh no!" her blush disappeared at the mention of his wife.
"He's fine, just three stitches to make sure though," he said and walked to his side of the cubicle. She followed his every move.
At first, I thought it was my imagination, a sort of boredom induced hallucination after filing M-N all afternoon. Sue, a willowy blond stopped her filing and we gave each other a knowing look. From then on, it was a kind of secret game to spot exciting developments without ever referring to them in any form. Our department was known for its reliability and solid work and Theresa played a big part in that success. Every day at exactly 10:15 a bell rang and all the office workers either went outside to smoke or grab a quick cup of coffee before the bell rang again at 10:25. Tim was a vegan and refused to touch the food in the cafeteria. Soon Theresa followed and they could be seen chatting over organic jimaca sticks she brought from home. He was a short stocky guy with a tuft of blond hair who wore silly ties every Friday but almost never smiled. For the first year I knew Tim, I thought he was continuously angry at me. It turned out that was just his expression which hid a friendly if a bit obtuse nature. A father of three young sons, two of whom needed braces, he and his wife had cut back on expenses by selling one of the cars. It turned Theresa was more than happy to carpool with him.Halloween came and when the bell for the end of our coffee break rang, neither Tim or Theresa were anywhere to be seen. Walking to the supply cabinet, I looked out the window. She was leaning on her car laughing and blushing while he took something out of the backseat. She smoothed her black trousers with her hands and then started for the door.
Watching them was like watching a car accident in extremely slow motion, but it was deliciously bad at first.
Stay tune for parts 2 and 3
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