Quote of the Day, Love: Oscar Wilde

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Go ahead and search it up

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lame Dating Lies Conversion Chart in Printable Format!

Let's face it, it's not easy to own up to being imperfect to someone we have just met.This discomfort has spawned a coded language which, until now has not been broken.  I have decoded some of the lamest lies and hope they will assist you in spotting jackassery and doofusness many miles away.
handy translation/converting chart by katie margeson


Anonymous said...

lolz Katie. This brought a smile to my face. I'm sending it to my cousins.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll tape this on my fridge as a funny reminder. Can't wait for the single woman's prayer too. I've seen some of them and I think you could do better.

Anonymous said...

I am a guy and I think you're hawt, insightful, and funny. There is not trace of bitterness here. Do you think men are maybe intimidated by you because you are such a good cathc? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Ah, another Katie Chart. You should make these into posters for women You could frame them and put them o your wall Shoot, I'd buy one for sure. You rock. Please write more.

Katie said...

Thanks all for the nice comments. Tell your friends, co workers, family is you like it.